Topics: vTools

View tutorials for all vTools Applications. Please note: vTools applications are being updated all the time! There may be some tutorials that contain out-of-date information. We do our best to keep all tutorials as current as possible.
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A Quick Tour of vTools Engage

Nominations Tool – Process Overview

vTools Nominations Process Instructions

File a report for a past event already in the system

Cancelling an event registration

Events Activity Dashboard

Who Can Vote?

Engagement Scores

Viewing a List of Members

Downloading a List of Members

Emailing a List of Members

Logging an Interaction for a Member

Pull a report of Events for your OU

vTools Officer Reporting: Approvals and Troubleshooting

Editing or Archiving a Pending Report

Local Groups – Overview

Filtering on Engagement Score

Society Recipients for eNotice

My Events and Manage Events – What’s the Difference?

Email Election Results to Voters

Duplicating a Ballot

Event Categories and Sub Categories

New! Creating Ballots from Nominations Platform

Cancelling an Event

Editing/Deleting a Student Branch Annual Plan

Creating an Event

Create a New Event from an Existing Event

Managing Events

@Event on-site registration

Creating Meal Tickets and Name Tags

File a report for a past event not in the system

Events Feeds/API

Request New Officer Position

Creating a Student Branch Annual Plan

Creating and Editing Sites in WebInABox

About Voting

Managing Ballots and Motions

Creating a New Ballot

Create a Motion Ballot

Loading the Voter list

Voter Instructions

New! Reporting Election Results

Updating Election Results

Viewing Election Results

Emailing Voters

Managing the Website URL

Viewing Officer Logs

Adding/Editing an Officer

Viewing the Officer Roster

Creating an eNotice

Personalizing an eNotice

Choosing Recipients to an eNotice

Sending Test eNotices

Managing eNotices Using the eNotice Dashboard

Creating an eNotice From an HTML File

Sending an eNotice from Events

Sending an eNotice to Registrants

Customizing an eNotice’s ‘From’ and ‘Reply-to’

eNotice with multiple Target OUs Require Approval

vTools Overview