Frequently Asked Questions

  • What tools are available to me?

    Click here to access the full suite of tools available to you as a volunteer.

  • What are vTools?

    “vTools” stands for “Volunteer Tools.” vTools simplify the administrative tasks to our volunteers via the use of online tools, reducing time spent managing activities, and assisting in member development.

    vTools are sponsored by IEEE Membership and Geographic Activities (MGA), which serves the needs of IEEE members by supporting IEEE Regions, Councils, Areas, Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, Student Branch Chapters and HKN Chapters and is responsible for IEEE membership, and member development.

  • Who can access vTools?

    The current security model automatically allows use of the tools by any volunteer who appears in the Geographic Units section of the IEEE Corporate Roster. Volunteers can create meetings, administer WebInABox sites, run elections, etc. Visit the Automatic Access Information page for more detailed information on who can access the different vTools applications. Members, and in many cases, the general public can view meeting and event information, visit WebInABox sites, etc.

    To verify who is listed on the Section roster please see this page (access is limited to current officers). Please note that IEEE now records more positions for Chapter and Affinity Group officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer. New officers can be reported here. In addition, Sections can now report a ‘vTools Coordinator’ position (see grade restrictions below).

    Please note that according to the IEEE Bylaws all officers (with exception of Webmaster and Newsletter Editor) must be active IEEE members with Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member or Fellow grade. Chapter officers must also be members of the parent Society.

    Volunteers should use their IEEE Account username and password to login. If you do not recall your IEEE Account information, you may go to: to recover your username and/or password.

  • Are vTools free?

    Yes, vTools are free to use.

  • What is the Membership Validator?

    IEEE Membership Validator is an online utility that allows volunteers and staff to easily and securely check IEEE member status, grade, and society memberships and offer discounts available exclusively to IEEE members. Information can be looked up by either a member number or a member’s primary email address and is automatically available for IEEE staff and volunteers with recorded roles. 

    In addition, a membership validation API is available for large conference registration systems that are approved by IEEE Meeting and Events Planning for cases where a programmatic integration with a custom registration system is required. Request the Membership Validator API

  • Where can I access the Membership Validator?

    Access the Membership Validator here:

  • What information would I need to provide?

    You would need to provide a member number or a primary email address. For example, 01234567 or Note that the member number must be 8 characters long including leading zeros.

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