Voter Instructions

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Sign in with your IEEE Account

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If there are active ballot available to you, you will see them once you log in.

Click to Enlarge

Clicking the Ballots icon will show you the list of all upcoming, current, and past ballots, and the status of your vote. If needed, you can contact the Election Manager from this screen.

Click to Enlarge

Cast your Vote

On the ballot screen, you will see the positions and candidates for whom you can vote. You may also choose “I abstain” if you do not wish to vote for a particular candidate. If the Election Manager has allowed for write-ins, there will be an option for that as well.

Click to Enlarge

Confirm your vote and complete the ballot

Click to Enlarge

Vote Completed

Click to Enlarge

The ballot home page and ballot list will now show that you have already voted (it should not allow you to vote again)

Click to Enlarge
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