Creating an eNotice

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Sign in to vTools eNotice

Navigate to vTools eNotice at and sign in with your IEEE Account. You can also click the “CREATE ENOTICE” button on the homepage, which will prompt you to sign in (if you are not already).

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Either click the “CREATE ENOTICE” button on the homepage, or click on MANAGE ENOTICES in the top nav menu.

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If you clicked on MANAGE ENOTICES, click the “Create eNotice” button to create a new eNotice

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Select the eNotice Mailing Category

You will be prompted to select a category for the type of mailing you wish to create:

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NOTE: If you select “Officer Mailing,” you will not be able to change the mailing category after that. Officer Mailings use a different web service call than the other categories. If you need to change the category from Officer Mailing, you must discard the eNotice and create a new one.

Complete the eNotice Form

Basic Info

Once you have selected the mailing category, you will be brought to the “Basic Info” section of the eNotice form.

Complete all the required fields in this section, including the Subject Line, Send By date, Reminder date (if applicable), and the From and Reply To email addresses.

NOTE: eNotice will automatically populate a generic Subject Line for you with today’s date and time. Be sure to replace it with the proper Subject Line before sending!

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If you need to add a special request for the eNotice Admins, you may add it in the box. NOTE: This will cause your eNotice to go into “Pending” status after you submit it because the eNotice Admins need to review your note and submit your eNotice for sending. Even if you enter “please send ASAP” in the box, the eNotice will still get stopped until staff can review. Only use this field if you have specific notes or instructions for the eNotice Admins!

Click “Recipients” or “Next” to go to the next section.

If at any point you want to save the eNotice as a Draft and come back to it later, simply click on “Manage” or “Cancel” to go back to the Manage page of the eNotice. Note that selecting “Cancel” does not delete the eNotice – you must do this from the Manage screen. 


In this section, choose your recipients for this eNotice.

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Here, you will select the OU(s) you want to send to, the Membership Status and Grades, e.g. if you only wanted to send to Active Life Members, you would select “Active” and the three Life member grades from the list.

You can also select any Society Memberships you want to include. So, if you selected, say, the Chicago Section, and you wanted to send to everyone who was a member of Computer Society and Robotics and Automation Society, you could check those two Society flags. NOTE: If you just want to send to the whole Section or other OU, you do NOT need to select ANY Society Membership flags.

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If you selected “Officer Mailing” as your mailing category, you can select the OU and appropriate officers you wish to send to.

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Click “Contents” or “Next” to go to the next section.


Here, you will add the contents/body of your eNotice. If this is an eNotice that has been generated from an Event, the Body content will be pre-populated for you. (See this tutorial for creating eNotices from Events.)

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The Summary field is not required, but does help in identifying the eNotice if you have a feed set up. You can add a sentence or two to describe the intent or purpose for the eNotice, which will be included in RSS feeds.

NOTE: It is not advised to copy/paste content directly from a Word document into vTools. This can sometimes cause extra/hidden characters to be inserted and can cause errors when submitting your eNotice. Either type the content directly into eNotice, or copy/paste from Notepad.

Click “Review & Submit” or “Next” to go to the next section.

Review & Submit

When you have completed all the fields in the eNotice form, click on the Review & Submit section to review the details of your eNotice.

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If you need to go back and change anything, click on the appropriate section of the form and make any changes you need. If you’d rather just save it as a draft to come back to it, click on “Manage” or “Cancel” at the top or bottom of the screen. You will be brought to the Manage screen and you will see that the eNotice is saved as a draft.

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When you are ready, come back to the Review & Submit section. Scroll to the bottom half of the page and click “Submit eNotice” when you’re ready to submit it.

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You will be brought back to the Manage screen and you will see that the eNotice has been submitted, and the editing options are greyed out.

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If you go back out to “MANAGE ENOTICES” you will see that the eNotice is queued up for delivery. Once it has sent, the Status will change to “Sent.”

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