Pull a report of Events for your OU

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If you need to pull a report of events for your OU, navigate to vTools Events and sign in with your IEEE Account:

Click to Enlarge

Click on the “Search Events” icon, or click the “Search” tab at the top:

Click to Enlarge

Once on the Search page, click on the “Advanced Search” button:

Click to Enlarge

In the advanced search, you can enter the criteria you wish to search on, e.g. Region, Section, Chapter, dates, etc. If you wish to search only for events that have been reported, you can check the “Reported?” flag. You can also search for Draft events by selecting the “Draft?” flag.

Click to Enlarge

Once you have run your search and the results are returned, you should see a button that says “Download results as CSV”:

Click to Enlarge

The downloaded list will include all relevant information for the events:

Click to Enlarge
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