Cancelling an event registration

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Navigate to and sign in with your IEEE Account:

Click to Enlarge

Click on the “Manage Events” icon, or click the tab at the top of the page:

Click to Enlarge

Alternatively, if you have the link for the event, you can navigate directly there. E.g., Otherwise, click the link for the event you for which you wish to cancel a registration.

View List of Registrants

On the Manage Event screen, click on “Registrants” in the menu on the left.

Click to Enlarge

To cancel someone’s registration, click “Cancel” in the Options column.

If you need to edit their registration, click “Edit.”

Click to Enlarge

Issuing Refunds

Note that refunds are not automatically issued when cancelling someone’s registration. Please reach out to [email protected], and someone will assist you with issuing the refund.

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