Who Can Vote?

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Who can vote?

According to the IEEE Bylaws, the following member grades have the right to vote in elections:

  • Members
  • Graduate Student Members
  • Life Members
  • Fellows
  • Senior Members
  • Honorary Members

Student Members do not have the right to vote (see Bylaw I-105), except in the case of Student Unit elections (Student Branches, Student Branch Chapters, Student Branch Affinity Groups).

Associate Members may vote only on matters presented to groups of members (such as Societies and Sections), and to be appointed on committees with the right to vote when specifically approved by the Board of Directors. (See Bylaw I-309)

Please Note

There may be certain criteria set by the ballot creator which may affect your eligibility to vote in certain elections. For example, the ballot creator may indicate that you must hold an active IEEE Membership as of a certain date to be eligible to vote in the election. You may have received an email asking you to vote, however, if your membership is not active at the time the ballot is created, you will NOT be eligible to vote.

If you feel you have been excluded in error, you can reach out to the ballot creator, or email [email protected].

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