Local Groups – Overview

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What is a Local Group?

A Local Group (LG) is a new IEEE Organizational Unit that is a sub-unit of a Section focused on a specified local interest. The purpose of forming Local Groups is for members and non-members to collaborate on special topics or interests, the scope of which should align with the IEEE fields of interest. A Local Group shall comprise a minimum of two (2) IEEE members one of whom has to be a voting member, both of whom must be members of the geographic unit involved. The Local Group shall be established by petition to the Section or the Region if a Section does not exist in the geographic area involved. IEEE members and non-members may be participants of the Local Group. Local Groups should not duplicate other groups or compete with existing IEEE Chapters or Affinity Groups.

Why are Local Groups important?

  • To provide IEEE with a flexible and agile method to start, create, and engage members
  • To open a new channel for IEEE involvement and membership
  • To re-energize Sections by including members and non-members
  • To easily discover, explore, and track new trends
  • To enhance and increase IEEE responsiveness to new trends and needs

Local Group Operations

A Local Group is expected to meet the requirements for membership (at least two IEEE members) and meeting activity (at least two meetings per year) while adhering to the IEEE mission. Responsibility for the Local Group management shall rest with the Section/Region. The Local Group is reviewed for continuation on an annual basis by the respective Section or Region. A Local Group may organize meetup-events, lectures, seminars, workshops and other activities provided that they are local, both in person or virtually. They can have access to all the relevant vTools like eNotice, Events, Remote Conference and others.

Local groups receive no default funding but they can raise funds through activities and under article 11.7 in the IEEE Policies. Financial transaction support could be provided by the governing Section/Region when needed and approved. Local Group funds and transactions will be housed within the applicable Section/Region accounts.

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