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Region 3 gets Two Projects Approved for MGA Surplus Funds

IEEE Region 3 had two projects that were approved by the MGA Board of Directors for funding under the MGA Surplus Funds program. The opportunity to apply for funding under the MGA Surplus Funds Program was previously announced in this knowledgebase in another article. Groups within Region 3 submitted a total of 17 requests for funding under this program. The Region 3 ExCom decided to endorse two of those proposals and send them to the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board for consideration. At that point the two proposals from Region 3 along with proposals from the other Regions around the world went through a series of screens before fourteen of the projects submitted globally were ultimately approved by the MGA Board of Directors in late June.

The two Region 3 projects that were approved for funding are:

Each of these two projects is receiving a $10k grant from MGA and a $5k grant from Region 3. Under the terms of the grants, any funds that have not be used by December 31, 2024 need to be returned to IEEE, so both of these projects will need to move quickly. Participation in these two projects is open to all Sections in Region 3. If your Section wants to participate in the XRP Robots project, please contact Allen Jones at [email protected]. If your Section wants to participate in the International Multi-Discipline Hackathon project, please contact Brian Page at [email protected].

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