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I am new to IEEE, how can I get more involved?

IEEE is a vast organization with several organizational units (OUs) that are mostly run by IEEE volunteers in various capacities. The structure of IEEE makes it easy for any new volunteer to interconnect with IEEE in an easiest way possible.

Try the steps below:

  1. The best way to get more involved within IEEE is to first find the local section of IEEE that is associated with the geographical area you reside in. A list of all local sections within IEEE Region 3 are available here.
  2. Once you identify your local IEEE section, you can most likely find a website associated with the section either by a simple google search or by visiting this page. Each Section website usually has a list of Section officers whom you can either email or meet at one of their ExCom/AdCom meetings.
  3. Every section has a different meeting schedule and vTools is used to inform the IEEE members of upcoming meetings in that local OU.
  4. Based on your local address in your IEEE account you are automatically associated with the mailing list for the closest local section of IEEE. You will also receive any email correspondence sent by the section to the members in that area. Please ensure that your information is correct on your IEEE Account and if you wish to receive correspondence from your local OU please ensure that the communication preferences are set accordingly.

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