

Event Kit:

The IEEE Young Professionals program provides an event kit which can be used to market your activities. It must be requested at least 4-6 weeks in advance via the website.

Branding Material:

A lot of branding material and guidelines are available online at this webpage. IEEE branding guidelines are also available on the same webpage. These must always be followed so it is important to become familiar with them.

Social Media

Use social media channels of all the relevant OUs such as your Society/Council channels, IEEE Young Professionals program, Regions, Sections and any other relevant pages. For IEEE Young Professionals program, message the official facebook page to promote your event.

  1. Targeted Event Mailing List
  2. Based on a contact list from the membership database, you may send emails to the target audience.
  3. Ask conference organizers, Section Chairs, and other officers to advertise the event to respective mailing lists
  4. Society/Council staff may help you to advertise the event to Society/Council members.
  5. Newsletters
  6. IEEE Young Professionals Newsletter distributed to all IEEE Young Professionals members: Submit event info via contact button on
  7. Society newsletters: Contact Society/Council staff/AdCom
  8. Region and Section newsletters
    1. Blogs/Website
    2. IEEE Young Professionals IMPACT Blog/Website:

Submit via contact button on

  • Society and Conference website
  • Region and Section website
  • Local IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group website
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