All Society/Council volunteers are integral part of the IEEE Young Professionals Committee


The descriptions of the committee roles are provided in the MGA Operations Manual are available here.

  • As a Society/Council liaison to the committee, the volunteer is part of the IEEE Young Professionals Committee. Society/Council reps will be invited for one face-to-face meeting of the committee every year (travel to be covered by each Society/Council). At this meeting, the volunteers have opportunities to connect with other young professionals across IEEE. This includes the committee leadership, other Society/Council volunteers, Regional volunteers, Young Professionals representatives for IEEE Major Boards such TAB, EAB, SA and IEEE USA. This is an annual event where volunteers exchange ideas and learn about resources provided by the committee. In addition, the volunteer learns and contributes to the global and strategic goals of the IEEE Young Professionals program. IEEE expects to see value from the Young Professionals committee, so the action plans formed at the meeting are critical.

2.      Young Professionals Committee for each Society/Council

Every Society/Council can and should have their own Young Professionals Committee. Below are some basic guidelines, which can help in building such committees.

  1. The Society/Council serves members all over the world, so there is a need to build a committee of members across the globe.
  2. The committee requires volunteers to be responsible for various tasks. Following are some examples of the type of roles a Society/Council committee might have
    1. Regional Volunteers
    2. Marketing and Communications
    3. Partnerships and Sponsorships
    4. Event organization
  3. The committee, via the Society/Council rep, should keep in touch with the Young Professionals Affinity Groups regarding the locations of upcoming activities. For the contact information, check latest rosters on and contact regional Young Professionals coordinators directly for any help needed.
  4. The rep must identify and build successor(s) in the committee, and be sure to train potential successor(s) in the committee. The rep should also share all appropriate documents, guides, and communications with the committee, and ensure that the Society/Council President and President-Elect sees the value provided by the committee and knows the contributions of the committee members, as these leaders usually make the appointments of the incoming Society/Council rep.
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