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Viewing a List of Members

Navigate to Engage and sign in with your IEEE Account

Click to enlarge

Region Directors: Click the “Engage” button next to your Region or Section to begin interacting with that Organizational Unit (OU).

Section Leaders: Click the “Engage” button next to your Section or Chapter.

Chapter Leaders: Click the “Engage” button next to your Chapter.

Note: once the OU is selected, you will interact with that OU for the entirety of your session in Engage.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Select a Tab

Click on any one of the tabs across the top of the screen, e.g. RETAIN.

Click to Enlarge

Select a Category to View

Click on the eye icon next to any one of the categories to view the list of members, e.g. Arrears.

This will bring up the list of members in that category.

Click to Enlarge

From here, you can click the eye icon next to one of the individual members to view more details about that member.